Friday, October 08, 2004
I'm depressed today. I didn't sleep well last night because of sad news I received about my friend. He's now in a pretty deep coma. I spent much of my late evening praying and crying out for him. Lord, please consider Alex & Rebekah in their distress!
My wife, Maria, is suffering with very bad morning sickness (it lasts all day) and she's taken off work for a second day in a row. I'm thinking she's just going to quit and I wouldn't blame her. She needs some relief! Even the thought of food can sometimes cause retching.
I'm back at work again. TGIF. It's been slow so I've been answering questions (for free) for folks who need help though Expert's Exchange. I've earned several thousand expert points this month. This is a really nice service to use if you enjoy trying to fix your computer problems yourself and don't have a technician friend you can call upon.
I discovered this cool link to an ebay wedding dress (item #4146756343). The auction was closed & removed months ago but is cached here. This poor fellow wears his ex-wife's wedding dress and posts pictures of it for sale (the dress not the pictures) on ebay. Enjoy his posting .. this guy could sell subcriptions to his blog!
Monday, October 04, 2004
We start week 7 of the pregnancy-to-birth process this week. We contacted our local midwife and got some nutritional advice and encouragement. We'll be setting up our first appointment with her in only a few weeks. It's nice to have safe natural alternatives to the "hospital operation" form of childbirth. I wouldn't wish that process on any living being - let alone my wife!
We had a nice quiet weekend. We got together with friends and family for a couple of gatherings. Saturday night we had the joy of blessing a newly married couple from Jersey who were on their honeymoon in Virginia Beach. On Sunday we fellowshipped with the brethren over a wonderful noon dinner meal where Jesus was central to our thoughts and discussions. It is wonderful to share my life with family and friends who believe and live with Christ as Lord.
I was disappointed to hear this morning on the news that J. F-ing Kerry got a boost in the polls from the debates. Folks even say he won the first debate. I'll have to watch more to be sure but the 5 minutes I did see showed a very tired 'W' Bush (who probably worked all day as our President before going to the debate don't you suppose!) trading a very civil discourse with his opponent.
But that's the risk you take when you enter into debate with your opponent when you are ahead. And while 'W' may have won on the issues the presidential elections are about personality and style – just ask Clinton who's name alone evokes images of his personality whether you LIKE him (and her) or NOT.
Friday, October 01, 2004
My wife has been suffering with morning sickness for sometime now. I guess they call it morning sickness because it's usually worse in the morning but she has it pretty much all the time. She's as sick of the thought (sight or smell) of food as she is of her various digestive problems. She wakes us both up regularly with extra trips to the restroom and the need (without the desire) to eat. I'm happy that I'm going to be a father soon but the process isn't what anyone would call fun and so I'm doing my best to comfort and encourage her.
I was excited to receive a call from a contract employer today extended the opportunity to work on a longer project (6 months) with the possibility of permanent placement afterwards. I'm supposed to get a call soon - a phone interview and after that I'll know more. The commute with be a little longer (right now I'm only 5 minutes from work) but 8 weeks is a really short contract.
I can't say there is ANY hope of permanent work at this location. I'm working so quickly and efficiently right now they are having a hard time keeping me busy. Today I spent half my day surfing the web because my tasks were complete and no one needed my assistance.