Creative Concepts
Friday, March 25, 2005

Sweet Fellowship

What an awesome evening of food, fun, and fellowship. There was great sharing among the Christian brothers and sisters. Everyone was encouraging.

We called the event "Spring Fling" and everyone was encouraged to share their personal experiences and then we prayed for and blessed each other. This must be what heaven is like!

If you are looking for close fellowship find a home fellowship through the homechurch meetup or look on one of the many home fellowship directories or registries.

posted by Aland at 10:00 PM
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Save Toby?

$50,000 in donations and merchandise sales will save Toby! If you haven’t taken a look at, or are hearing about this for the first time, here’s the issue. A man claims to have found an injured, young rabbit under a porch one day, and then nursed it back to health. He then named the rabbit Toby.

This guy swears that he will have Toby butchered and served for dinner on June 30, 2005, unless he is able to raise $50,000 in donations or merchandise sales. If he is able to raise the money, he then promises that Toby will forever live the life of a king (you can decide what that means).

The story, photos of Toby (one of which shows Toby sitting in a cooking pot), possible recipes and answers to questions (some dealing with the legality of the website and the underlying idea) are all provided at

posted by Aland at 3:36 PM
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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

New Start

I'm out of the job market for a while. I've now got a real job with salary, bonuses and benefits.

I've taken a contract doing network services in the Medical services arena. I'll probably spend most of my time at Portsmouth Navy Medical Center and the rest servicing clinics around the Hampton Roads area.


posted by Aland at 5:54 PM
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