Creative Concepts
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

A Mixed Bag

I started a new contract yesterday. It's only supposed to be eight weeks long. I'm temporarily replacing someone on maternity leave. I'm enjoy the company and my coworkers and I especially enjoy the commute - it's only minutes from home - I could walk or ride my bike if I wanted to.

We're not ready to tell ALL our friends yet (we have told many of our family members). My wife has been suffering with morning sickness for several days and her moodiness and inability to really enjoy the food I prepare for her has been strangely disappointing for me.

She hates to annoy or disappoint me. She's a lovely lady. I enjoy doing things that bring her pleasure. I bought her a Yamaha keyboard for our anniversary. She really missed being able to play the piano. She seems very happy with it but I haven't seen her sit down and play it yet. (Maybe she is practicing when I'm not around?)

Sorry about all the whining! I do have some good news. It looks like 'W' is going to totally kick J. F-ing Kerry in the presidential elections this coming November.

If you're a democrat I'm sorry you don't have a better candidate. Just remember to get out and vote on Wednesday, November 3rd.

posted by Aland at 12:42 PM
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