Creative Concepts
Friday, September 10, 2004

New Horizons

I'm doing something I swore I would never do. I'm blogging. (I still refuse to say the word aloud!)

Why? Why did I start blogging? Because sometimes you need to walk in someone else's shoes to understand them.

I have done email since the beginning (of the internet that is) and enjoy communication. But somehow there is something personal in a blog site that has appealed to some of my friends and I intend to discover what it is by experience.

I make no promises about the content of this site being updated on a periodic basis.

Nor to I claim to be non-partisan! Liberals BEWARE. Your lame ideas will be chewed up and spewed out. I'm a conservative AND a Christian because I LIKE to be RIGHT!

posted by Aland at 1:34 PM
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