Creative Concepts
Sunday, September 26, 2004

Why? Why? Why?

I have found it very difficult this week emotionally. I'm uplifted because I've found some contract work for the next 8 weeks (hopefully more). But I'm downtrodden because one of my friends has been suffering with a strange and sudden illness that has left him nearly totally incapacitated.

Similar to my job when I was laid off ... first I was told that our contract would be renewed then the next work day I was told that I was being released. One day it's great spirits and we're flying high and the next we get the legs kicked out from under us.

Well in my buddies case he was hit hard by this virus in his brain (whatever it is, no one really knows yet) and had a difficult time with the recovery but the doctors told him that it "only strikes once." The symptoms are similar to advanced MS and he was hospitalized for weeks.

Now sometime later just as he was starting to get his 'normal life' back again it strikes again. He was starting back to work and after only having worked a couple of days found his symptoms suddenly returned and he was back in the ICU. Everyone is praying again and the doctors intend to do a brain biopsy to try and determine the cause of this strange illness.

I know Jesus loves me and He gives me his strength but sometimes my own spirit weakens trying to understand what he is trying to accomplish in us and why we must suffer so cruelly. Why do we suffer (like Job, yes and because of Adam, yes) when so obviously we have given our lives into His hands and for His service?

posted by Aland at 4:29 PM
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