Creative Concepts
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Another Day .. Another Dollar

I've been slow in getting back to posting. I was some depressed dealing with with work stuff. I got a nice contract but it didn't work into anything bigger as I had hoped.

My friend is doing only a little better. It's now been determined he has Leukemia. I still pray for him regularly but the days look bleak.

My wife continues to suffer morning sickness. She has tried everything believe me! The Morningwell cassette seems to ease the symptoms some it but unfortunately hasn't made them go away.

We are very happy to be parents and hope and pray that in her second and third trimesters there will be no morning sickness.

posted by Aland at 4:57 PM
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Blogger nile commented at November 10, 2004 at 7:54 PM~  

hey Aland! I was wondering when you were going to get around to putting something else up! sorry to hear your friend has leukemia and that Maria's morning sickness hasn't eased up. What is the Morningwell cassette and how does it work? Anyway, looking forward to seeing you again soon, bud! Have you seen "The Incredibles"? Take Maria to see it, I'm sure she'll like it!

Blogger Aland commented at November 12, 2004 at 9:26 AM~  

The Morning well cassette is a 60 minutes cassette that includes sounds within and beyond the normal range of hearing. The design is to block the communicate between the stomach and brain. The Vikings played drums on their ships not to keep timing for the rowing but to help with motion sickness. This technique is similar but he music sound more like newage than rock. :)

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