Creative Concepts
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Quick Thought

Have you noticed how closely this new map resembles the divide in the war between the states (the US Civil War)?

Do you suppose that is because as conservatives (religious, moral and financial) we instinctively know that big government isn't good for us and will only serve to reduce our individual rights (including both personal and state rights)?

Walter Williams is one of the most intelligent men I know and I just have to link to his article "Why we're a divided nation" because it says it so clearly. We the People don't like divisiveness - we desire unity. But until we have smaller government we're going to continue to have "winner and losers" as a result of the power struggle of politics and elections.

In other words we need the freedom to "go our own way" instead of using political power to force each other to "pay our way." Read Walter's article. He says it better than I.

posted by Aland at 9:43 AM
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Blogger John Howard commented at November 12, 2004 at 10:24 AM~  

If you're in favor of smaller government, why on Earth would you vote for Bush?

Blogger Aland commented at November 12, 2004 at 11:04 AM~  

You have a point there. The main issue I have with Bush is his desire to increase the size of the Department of Education. As far as the federal govenment goes I believe their primary responsibility is to protect us so I don't have a problem with military spending.
Regarding our elections I wish we would do things to promote more unity in government. For example, the "runner up" of a presidential election could be VP and the "fourth place" Secretary of State!

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