Creative Concepts
Thursday, December 30, 2004

The Expectant Father

I've been reading a book that I must recommend for new fathers. It's called the The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips, and Advice for Dads-To-Be. It is very easy to read a full of valuable information that will help you with your relationship with your wife as you begin an exciting and challenging period of your relationship.
Sections of each chapter which is broken up into a month-by-month approach help you understand "What She's Going Through" while others examine "What's Going On with the Baby". Additionally it if full of helpful advice in understanding your own feelings, desires and relationship changes while providing helpful advice on how to support your mate who is really carrying most of the weight (pun fully intended).
This is an excellent book but only second to my favorite relationship book: Marriage Builders also has a new book (and seminar on DVD) of "His Needs, Her Needs for Parents" that I'm interested in!

posted by Aland at 9:41 AM
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