Creative Concepts
Monday, December 20, 2004

Feelings ... "Trying to Forget my Feelings"

Or so goes line in an old song I used to listen to on the radio (it was a long time ago). Some days you just wake up and wish you didn't have to (either wake up or get up). Such was the "morning after" for me today.
Last Monday I had an excuse! I had a serious allergic reaction to the sweet and rich holiday food I had eaten over the weekend. But today - no such luck! Instead I'm just feeling down.
The temperatures have taken a serious dip and I just want to spend the day in bed cuddling under the warm sheets with my lover. Instead here I am at work trying to help the helpless cope with their computer problems.
Some days I love my job but today I just want to be in bed.

posted by Aland at 6:45 AM
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