Creative Concepts
Saturday, January 29, 2005

Disappointing, Disturbing, and Discouraging

Though not as bad as un-employment having to work at a job you don't enjoy for a supervisor that is oppressive can in some ways be worse. What really frosts the cake for me though has been a string of interviews that have not resulted in a job offer.

I don't want to seem like I'm complaining. Just listing the companies who haven't hired me would be a "Who's Who" list and part of me knows that for each interview I have obtained there are quite literally hundreds of applicants that didn't get that opportunity. But to come so far and invest so much and still walk away empty handed is disappointing and discouraging.

Prior to this I had gotten every job I interviewed for. It's like a loosing streak for someone who took his team to the championship every year for a decade -- practically unheard of and very disturbing!

I guess it's time to take down the book on interviewing and read it again. Maybe I'm letting my job frustrations at work show through or possibly coming across as desperate. Or maybe my self confidence is being interpreted as pride. Sometimes I think I need to specialize but maybe instead of another certification or more training what I really need is an interview coach.

posted by Aland at 5:30 PM
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