Creative Concepts
Friday, January 28, 2005

I'm a Christian and Follower of the Way

I think it's good to examine yourself and know who you are but I wish others would just accept it when I tell them I'm a Christian without insisting that I associate with one denomination or another.

Some folks accept it as enough when I tell them I'm non-denominational but still that's more about who I'm NOT instead of who I AM (or more importantly who HE IS).

I have tried the non-traditional "I'm a follower of the WAY" but that just confuses all the Christians who think I'm some kind of new-agey radical. I've encouraged some by communicating my interest in home fellowship (home church?) but that's really a method and a place not WHO I am.

Ultimately, I want to be identified with Christ because He is living in me so I still like the term Christian but somehow that's just not good enough for folks anymore.

posted by Aland at 1:00 AM
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