Thursday, November 11, 2004
Have you noticed how closely this new map resembles the divide in the war between the states (the US Civil War)?
Do you suppose that is because as conservatives (religious, moral and financial) we instinctively know that big government isn't good for us and will only serve to reduce our individual rights (including both personal and state rights)?
Walter Williams is one of the most intelligent men I know and I just have to link to his article "Why we're a divided nation" because it says it so clearly. We the People don't like divisiveness - we desire unity. But until we have smaller government we're going to continue to have "winner and losers" as a result of the power struggle of politics and elections.
In other words we need the freedom to "go our own way" instead of using political power to force each other to "pay our way." Read Walter's article. He says it better than I.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Another Day .. Another Dollar
I've been slow in getting back to posting. I was some depressed dealing with with work stuff. I got a nice contract but it didn't work into anything bigger as I had hoped.
My friend is doing only a little better. It's now been determined he has Leukemia. I still pray for him regularly but the days look bleak.
My wife continues to suffer morning sickness. She has tried everything believe me! The Morningwell cassette seems to ease the symptoms some it but unfortunately hasn't made them go away.
We are very happy to be parents and hope and pray that in her second and third trimesters there will be no morning sickness.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
I have to confess that this election day for me has been an "Elation Day". Yes, I voted for Bush and I'm currently living in a "red state" but I came from a very liberal "blue state" where I grew up conservative despite the odds. What a change it has been living with people who share my religious and social and political beliefs (mind you not all of them!).
Folks have been warning about the militant and aggressive homosexual agenda for decades but no one has been listening until today. Now we must sit up and take notice. War has been declared on the family - the foundation of any good society and nation.
Even the "blue states" have agreed in this election that marriage (and hence "family") are a heterosexual union designed promote the healthy protection of children during their rearing. While many voted for J. F-ing Kerry they also unanimously (all 11 states) passed amendments protecting marriage as the union of a man (male) and wife (female).
Additionally, as a nation we selected 'W' as President (again) because he stood firm on moral and religious beliefs (again) and defeated a liberal wimp (again) who did not stand firm on the protection of our rights and liberties (again) through the use of the military when necessary (again). I for one am overjoyed (again) that we have given G.W. Bush four more years to lead this country.
Well, that's why I can't stop being happy about the election results! Peggy Noonan, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and others I admire agree. The liberal elites in Hollywood don't rule this land nor do the stuck-up snobs from "New England" - it's our land.
Now ... Let's go eliminate the income tax. The best thing we could do in the next year (besides continue to pursue terrorists where THEY live) is vote in a FairTax.