Thursday, December 30, 2004
I've been reading a book that I must recommend for new fathers. It's called the The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips, and Advice for Dads-To-Be. It is very easy to read a full of valuable information that will help you with your relationship with your wife as you begin an exciting and challenging period of your relationship.
Sections of each chapter which is broken up into a month-by-month approach help you understand "What She's Going Through" while others examine "What's Going On with the Baby". Additionally it if full of helpful advice in understanding your own feelings, desires and relationship changes while providing helpful advice on how to support your mate who is really carrying most of the weight (pun fully intended).
This is an excellent book but only second to my favorite relationship book: Marriage Builders also has a new book (and seminar on DVD) of "His Needs, Her Needs for Parents" that I'm interested in!
Monday, December 20, 2004
Feelings ... "Trying to Forget my Feelings"
Or so goes line in an old song I used to listen to on the radio (it was a long time ago). Some days you just wake up and wish you didn't have to (either wake up or get up). Such was the "morning after" for me today.
Last Monday I had an excuse! I had a serious allergic reaction to the sweet and rich holiday food I had eaten over the weekend. But today - no such luck! Instead I'm just feeling down.
The temperatures have taken a serious dip and I just want to spend the day in bed cuddling under the warm sheets with my lover. Instead here I am at work trying to help the helpless cope with their computer problems.
Some days I love my job but today I just want to be in bed.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
In The Spirit of the Season
We're really getting into the Christmas time spirit now. We bought a turkey, made fruit cakes, and watched "It's a Wonderful Life" this weekend. Yeah!
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Merry Christ ..err.. Happy Holidays
Sorry about the title. I'm more than a little peeved at all the political correctness that continues despite the success of "Values Voters" in the last election.
"Hello People!" Shouldn't it be obvious by now that most of the folks in the US believe in a moral standard and tend to like Jesus in Christmas and not just in church?
Those of you waiting for reform probably won't have to wait long though. More and more people are vacating the government schools in favor of home education. And the number of babies being born in the "red states" continues to out pace by leaps and bounds the number born in the "black & blue states" (and I predict soon to be "yellow states".)
Friday, December 17, 2004
I finally had the need to try using .torrent files this week. The files I needed were most quickly obtained not from FTP or WWW but by .torrent and peer-to-peer downloading.
I have been reasonably happy as a computer guy not staying right on the bleeding edge of technology esp. when it comes to all these peer-to-peer file sharing applications, mp3 ripping, and other infringements of copyright. I don't feel the need to have the very latest in viruses and trojans and have folks constantly hammering my firewall just because I'm not willing to pay three bucks to go rent a copy.
What has constantly amazed me though is how many people who can afford "high-speed" DSL or cable modem every month and are always going "out" to eat but simply cannot scrape together the amount needed to buy a new game, music cd, or movie. There is probably only a couple computer people I know who have NOT pirated some form of media in just the last few days.
It has become part of who we are and is evident even in how we drive down the road. We consider all these things to be "public domain" and therefore mine for the taking. We drive aggressively because if we don't take it someone else will. We get home and download things for "free" that others should get paid for their creation but justify it because "they make 100 times more then I do."
It's no wonder rich folks live in gated communities and have body guards. There's just no respect anymore. You try to be normal, appreciate your audience, get out and mix a little and someone (a fan no less) just guns you down.
There's just no respect anymore! (Let alone real love.)
Thursday, December 16, 2004
I haven't yet heard back from my interviews. I start to get anxious when I haven't heard anything before a couple weeks have past. Both of them were positive about hiring by the first of the year but indicated that the process still had some possible delays and hurdles. Still ...
In related news I have make the pleasure of making the association of a certain Russell Harris of ACC Technologies. We had a great lunch this afternoon and plan to do some business together in the coming month. I have already sent several leads his direction and plan to continue doing so. Sometimes when God closes one door he opens another in the direction he intended for us to travel.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
On this day my friend and brother in Christ Alex Hudson ended his fight with lymphoma to leave this earth and his wife and daughter of just over a year a new widow.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Left Early for New Business
Today I left work early in order to attend two interviews. I may be a glutton for punishment to take two interviews back to back like that but I really didn't want to drive the entire length of Hampton Roads twice so I figured I would just get it over with in one day.
These two were a couple of the best interviews I have ever had. Both were interviews by groups of people which can be quite stressful however both of them did an excellent job of keeping me both alert and comfortable at the same time.
Just to get the interviews was quite a competition. There were approx. 200 applicants to each job and in each case I am one of less than a dozen being interviewed. That in itself is quite an accomplishment. I am completely competent for one position and nearly over-qualified for the other though. I expect to be offered both jobs before the first of the year and expect the problem will be choosing which job to accept.