Creative Concepts
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

A Mixed Bag

I started a new contract yesterday. It's only supposed to be eight weeks long. I'm temporarily replacing someone on maternity leave. I'm enjoy the company and my coworkers and I especially enjoy the commute - it's only minutes from home - I could walk or ride my bike if I wanted to.

We're not ready to tell ALL our friends yet (we have told many of our family members). My wife has been suffering with morning sickness for several days and her moodiness and inability to really enjoy the food I prepare for her has been strangely disappointing for me.

She hates to annoy or disappoint me. She's a lovely lady. I enjoy doing things that bring her pleasure. I bought her a Yamaha keyboard for our anniversary. She really missed being able to play the piano. She seems very happy with it but I haven't seen her sit down and play it yet. (Maybe she is practicing when I'm not around?)

Sorry about all the whining! I do have some good news. It looks like 'W' is going to totally kick J. F-ing Kerry in the presidential elections this coming November.

If you're a democrat I'm sorry you don't have a better candidate. Just remember to get out and vote on Wednesday, November 3rd.

posted by Aland at 12:42 PM
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Sunday, September 26, 2004

Why? Why? Why?

I have found it very difficult this week emotionally. I'm uplifted because I've found some contract work for the next 8 weeks (hopefully more). But I'm downtrodden because one of my friends has been suffering with a strange and sudden illness that has left him nearly totally incapacitated.

Similar to my job when I was laid off ... first I was told that our contract would be renewed then the next work day I was told that I was being released. One day it's great spirits and we're flying high and the next we get the legs kicked out from under us.

Well in my buddies case he was hit hard by this virus in his brain (whatever it is, no one really knows yet) and had a difficult time with the recovery but the doctors told him that it "only strikes once." The symptoms are similar to advanced MS and he was hospitalized for weeks.

Now sometime later just as he was starting to get his 'normal life' back again it strikes again. He was starting back to work and after only having worked a couple of days found his symptoms suddenly returned and he was back in the ICU. Everyone is praying again and the doctors intend to do a brain biopsy to try and determine the cause of this strange illness.

I know Jesus loves me and He gives me his strength but sometimes my own spirit weakens trying to understand what he is trying to accomplish in us and why we must suffer so cruelly. Why do we suffer (like Job, yes and because of Adam, yes) when so obviously we have given our lives into His hands and for His service?

posted by Aland at 4:29 PM
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Gospel of John

I watched the Gospel of John (the movie) this weekend and near the end I watched Jesus crucified and resurrected. Peter was a prominent character and near the end of Jesus' ministry he cut off an ear while attacking a servant with a sword yet soon thereafter openly refused to be identified with him.

But I found myself weeping openly as I listened to Jesus asking Peter "Do you love me?" ..("Yes, Lord").. "Feed my sheep". And finally lost it completely as he said, "When you are old, you will hold out your hands. Then others will wrap your belt around you and lead you where you don't want to go." (He said this to tell how Peter would die and bring honor to God.)

Obviously I had already been deeply touched by the scenes of Jesus' scourging and crucifixion. His resurrection always fills me with wonder and powerful urgings. But the personal relationship He had with Peter, always loving, always correcting, always encouraging just reminds me how much He loves me and is waiting for me and strengthening me.

posted by Aland at 12:30 PM
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Monday, September 20, 2004

Friends, Family, and Fun

I just wanted to let you all know about my friend, Nile who was instrumental in turning me onto blogging. He seems to be quite a bit more fluent a writer than myself but then maybe he has more interesting experiences to share.

Mine? Well, they are so personal I can't share all the details but here are a few of them: Maria and I enjoyed a wonderful weekend together. We took everything off our schedule from Friday night when I took her out to eat and to see Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow until Sunday evening when we got together with a couple of friends to eat, talk, play and celebrate his latest birthday.

I've never felt more in love with my wife. It was a wonderful weekend we had especially set aside for each other in celebration of our first year of marriage. Yes, we are running about a month behind but since I've been unemployed we have to make the most of each opportunity.

NOTE: I got her two dozen roses and took her out to dinner on the day of our anniversary so I'm not a slacker or a procrastinator! We also shared an anniversary dinner together with another couple of friends that were married the week before us. He joined us for our ceremony and was one of my grooms men during his honeymoon.

Watching movies (not TV!) and cuddling together is one of our favorite things to do: We watched Pride and Prejudice (Yes, the 5 hour A&E version!) on Saturday evening until the early morning hours. On Sunday we watched the The Gospel of John, (the movie).

Taken word for word directly from "Good News" version of the bible it is an amazing portrayal of the life, death, and resurrection of the Christ. In my own humble opinion it is a better movie than either the Jesus Film (which similarly is taken from the book of Luke) and even the more recently released and widely acclaimed The Passion of the Christ directed by Mel Gibson.

posted by Aland at 7:54 AM
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Friday, September 10, 2004

New Horizons

I'm doing something I swore I would never do. I'm blogging. (I still refuse to say the word aloud!)

Why? Why did I start blogging? Because sometimes you need to walk in someone else's shoes to understand them.

I have done email since the beginning (of the internet that is) and enjoy communication. But somehow there is something personal in a blog site that has appealed to some of my friends and I intend to discover what it is by experience.

I make no promises about the content of this site being updated on a periodic basis.

Nor to I claim to be non-partisan! Liberals BEWARE. Your lame ideas will be chewed up and spewed out. I'm a conservative AND a Christian because I LIKE to be RIGHT!

posted by Aland at 1:34 PM
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